| Lucky Star Spay Neuter Program News
A Publication of the Lucky Star Spay Neuter Program
12 Birch Lane Morristown, NJ 07960 Email: luckystarprogram@att.net
Volume 107 December 2021 |
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Our Mission: To gather, recognize and celebrate the continuing annual commitment of each of our member veterinarians to provide some level of absolutely free spay neuter services to the needy animals of their choice, along with any other free services they choose to provide. |
Our Lucky Stars
We are proud to present this roster of Lucky Star Veterinarians. Together these 10 professionals have generously pledged 657 absolutely free spay neuter surgeries & other free services for needy animals of their choice in 2021, for which they have our admiration & thanks:
Dr. Erno Hollo, Dr. Melissa Rotella & Dr. Emily Denning, Basking Ridge Animal Hospital
Dr. Harvey E. Hummel, Andover Animal Hospital, Newton
Dr. Danci Mock, West Caldwell Animal Hospital
Dr. Maritza Perez, West Orange Animal Hospital
Dr. P. Picone, Audubon Veterinary Associates
Dr. Sandra Stalder-Frey, Alpha Veterinary Care
Dr. Carolyn Wooley, MCSNIP, Pennington
Dr. David Croman, Medical Director, People for Animals,Inc., Hillside, Robbinsville & Millville
DC’s cat count put the city’s feline population at roughly 200,000 - The Washington Post
“The D.C. Cat Count was organized by the Humane Rescue Alliance, PetSmart Charities, HSUS, ASPCA & the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute.The ($1.5 million, 3 yr) project was paid for by donations from several animal advocacy groups. ...The idea ... came after ongoing, intense debates betwn conservationists & animal advocates... Of the roughly 200,000 cats counted in DC, about 197,000 of them are cared for by humans, & the rest are considered feral or strays. For those cats in human care, about 104,400 of them stay inside always. Another 72,900 cats go outside sometimes, & another 19,700 cats are considered “always outdoors.” The “always outdoors” cats may have owners, or some are fed by people in the community.” Editor’s Note: I can’t help thinking about all the S/N’s that could have been done w/that money & all the kittens born unnecessarily during those 3 years! Hope springs eternal!
This statement clarifies the difference between TNR & RTF (Return to Field) but, it might also serve as a starting point 4 discussions w/all parties w/an interest in the topic of Community Cats. Its Conclusion says: “While we continue our work to support robust adoption programs for cats, millions of cats who have no home remain at risk across the country. Community cats exist because of generations of human action & inaction, therefore humanely addressing the needs of these cats & imple-menting programs which help prevent their reproduction, are the responsibility of the communities in which they live. The ASPCA encourages cat advocates, animal shelters & rescues, local government officials & the public to work together, and believes that lawful TNRM, RTF, &, as a last resort, community cat relocation programs, are humane & effective approaches for managing and controlling community cat populations.” Position Statement on Community Cats and Community Cat Programs | ASPCA
The nation-wide, Maine based, “United Spay Alliance” mentioned the Lucky Star Spay Neuter Program and provided a link to our website in their first ever e-newsletter, dated August 2021.
Our Mission - United Spay Alliance
It’s a stretch to say that this “article” has anything to do with S/N directly, so I won’t. BUT, since all Vet practices are said to be stretched to the limit & everyone is in need of a break, we offer this link.Take a calming minute to Ooo and Ahh over these relaxed pups outfitted in their cozy PJs in the hopes of winning a home.
Shelter Pets Wear Pajamas on Sleepovers to Help Get Them Adopted - HASS (humananimalsupportservices.org)
Wishing all a calm, peaceful ,warm, cozy,
healthy and safe holiday season ahead |
PDF Version
Lucky Star News Vol 107 December 2021.pdf