| Lucky Star Spay Neuter Program News
A Publication of the Lucky Star Spay Neuter Program
12 Birch Lane Morristown, NJ 07960 Email: luckystarprogram@att.net
Volume 32 June 2009 |
Our Mission: To gather, recognize and celebrate the continuing annual commitment of each of our member veterinarians to provide some level of absolutely free spay neuter services to the needy animals of their choice, along with any other free services they choose to provide. |
Our Lucky Stars
We currently have 10 member veterinarians in private practice and 1 spay neuter clinic participating, representing 9 hospitals in 9 NJ towns.
Together these professionals have generously pledged 226 absolutely free spay neuter surgeries and other services for needy animals in 2009:
Dr. Ohad Barnea, Cliffside & Tenafly Animal Hospitals
Drs. Erno Hollo, Kelly Vex, Joseph Bloom & Kellie Daly Basking Ridge Animal Hospital
Dr. Harvey E. Hummel,Andover Animal Hospital
Dr. Danci Mock, West Caldwell Animal Hospital
Dr. Maritza Perez, West Orange Animal Hospital
Dr. P. Picone, Audubon Veterinary Associates
Dr. Sandra Stalder-Frey, Alpha Veterinary Care
Dr. Iris Furlong, People for Animals, Inc,Hillside
“The Price is Right” for S/N
Bob Barker, TV personality who ended every show with an appeal to “spay or neuter your pets”, endowed the DJ&T Foundation in 1995. It’s goal is to fund low cost S/N clinics & voucher programs across the country. It is most committed to making grants at the grassroots level to organizations that provide low cost or free S/N services or vouchers. Barker has endowed the Foundation so that it can fund projects indefinitely. More at www.djtfoundation.org
To Learn More about Lucky Star
Visit www.Luckystarprogram.org
Find info there about joining or helping to recruit new member veterinarians.
“Kitten Season” Underway Big time
One example: It’s reported that the Western PA Humane Society took in 362 cats & kittens from April 1 to 24. That’s up 52% from all of April ’08. Many are not feral, but from “nice people from nice neighborhoods” saying: they were dumped in my yard, or my cat “got out” or I want my kids to see the miracle of birth. The reporter adds: owners of roaming intact male cats don’t even know how much damage their cats are doing. Entire article: "Let's end 'kitten' season" - http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09136/970515-62.stm#ixzz0GLHAR4Qx&A
EsterilSol in Guatemala
Alliance for Contraception in Cats and Dogs sponsored a “Veterinarians Without Borders” campaign using the injectable sterilant EsterilSol™ as part of a multi-faceted project in the remote community of Todos Santos, Guatemala. There, 126 male dogs were sterilized with

EsterilSol. This approach was used because of its ease of administration, critical for a small team to do the greatest # of sterilizations with limited resources, while providing valuable lessons re its effective use. More at www.vwb-vsf.ca/english/guatemala.shtml
“Bo” Obama Settles In!
Amid much excitement & controversy, 1st Dog “Bo” has arrived at the White House, already “fixed”, thank goodness! This is an important example, and helps to ease the disappointment of many who had hoped for adoption of a shelter or rescue dog. Here’s wishing this little guy much luck in his new home, a challenging adjustment for any pet! |