| Lucky Star Spay Neuter Program News
A Publication of the Lucky Star Spay Neuter Program
12 Birch Lane Morristown, NJ 07960 Email: luckystarprogram@att.net
Volume 84 February 2018 |
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Our Mission: To gather, recognize and celebrate the continuing annual commitment of each of our member veterinarians to provide some level of absolutely free spay neuter services to the needy animals of their choice, along with any other free services they choose to provide. |
Our Lucky Stars
We are proud to present this roster of Lucky Star Veterinarians. Together these 14 professionals have generously pledged 708 absolutely free spay neuter surgeries & other free services for needy animals of their choice in 2018, for which they have our admiration & thanks:
Dr. Ohad Barnea, Tenafly Veterinary Center
Dr. Sarah Barnes, Eleos Veterinary Service
Dr. Erno Hollo, Dr. Kelly Vex, Dr. Jessica Redin, Dr. Melissa Rotella & Dr. Sue Bliesath, Basking Ridge Animal Hospital
Dr. Harvey E. Hummel, Andover Animal Hospital, Newton
Dr. Danci Mock, West Caldwell Animal Hospital
Dr. Maritza Perez, West Orange Animal Hospital
Dr. P. Picone, Audubon Veterinary Associates
Dr. Sandra Stalder-Frey, Alpha Veterinary Care
Dr. Carolyn Wooley, MCSNIP, Pennington
Dr. David Croman, Medical Director, People for Animals, Inc., Hillside, Robbinsville & Clayton
S/N’d pets live longer happier lives!

We are so pleased that all our Lucky Stars have renewed their pledges for 2018. We are also very happy to welcome to our roster of Lucky Stars Drs. Redin, Rotella & Bliesath of Basking Ridge Animal Hospital. Thank you ALL!
We all know that it is “raining cats”! But, I did not know that a survey conducted in Massachu-setts revealed surprising results: Cats that were eventually spayed accounted for 87% of all litters born…. The problem was not that the owners refused to S/N their pet; it was that they didn’t have it done in time. “Fix Felines by Five” urges that the age for S/N’ing cats be reduced to 5 mos. or earlier. This change has garnered lots of informed support. Per a 6-23-17 Article in “American Veterinarian”,The Veterinary Task Force on Feline Sterilization recommends sterilizing kittens by 5 mos, not waiting till 6. It also mentions all the organizations that now endorse “fix felines by 5”,covers the benefits of early age S/N, the special “pre & post surgery” care young patients require and the benefits on S/N compliance of scheduling a S/N at the wrap up of a 16 wk series of kitten vaccinations. http://www.americanveterinarian.com/journals/amvet/2017/june2017/new-advice-on-sterilizing-kittens-earlier-is-better There is more information for Veterinarians at www.felinefixbyfiveorg/vet-resources & the opportunity to list your practice as a supporter of this policy www.felinefixbyfive.org/participating-veterinarians
HSSV offers free S/N surgeries for cats, dogs & rabbits of select San Jose zip codes (w/ proof of residency.)They also offer free S/N’s, vacs + microchips for pets of the homeless. If your pet had an unplanned litter, they offer their PUPS (Prevent Unwanted Pregnancies) program,finding the babies homes after they are S/N’d, vac, & micro-chipped.(Babies must be < 3 mos old to qualify) They also spay & return Mom all at no charge, all subject to certain limits.
HAPPY SPAY DAY February 27, 2018!!
PDF Version
Lucky Star News Volume 84 February 2018.pdf |